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  • Maths Masters

    Published 28/06/24

    Mrs Le Gassick took a team of Year 5s to Colyton Grammar School for the Primary Maths Challenge.

    They competed against 8 other schools and their brains were worked hard all day with maths crosswords, relay races, speed rounds and more.

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  • Pride of BPS

    Published 17/06/24

    This morning we received an email from a member of the public who attended the show with our group of year six children last week.  We could not be more proud!

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  • Bridport Community Shed

    Published 14/06/24

    School Council had a fantastic time at the Community Shed. We met the team who made the leaves that will go on the tree at Branden's Trail and we were shown around all of the wonderful facilities on offer.

    If you need anything mended, or would like to do some woodwork or craft, head down to the Shed and find out more!


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  • Bristol Brilliance

    Published 14/06/24

    Day 1 was brilliant:

    The Leap of Faith was amazing and many conquered their fear of heights. Everyone loved seeing the animals at the zoo, followed by the boat trip. MOST people had a good sleep and a hearty breakfast 😀

    Day 2:

     SS Great Britain saw us dressed as lords and ladies to watch the ship 'set sail', followed by an exciting (but at times, 'a bit smelly') tour of the actual ship. Then, after lunch, we took part in hands-on activities in all the exhibitions about Brunel's life and works.

    Whilst waiting for the ferry to cross the river, everyone enjoyed an opportunity to chill with their friends and rest their legs.  The cross-river ferry provided a lovely, scenic and quick way to start our afternoon visit to the cathedral where we all had a sensory tour of this beautiful and historic building. After dinner, we completed the 'Le Gassick' challenge of walking up to and climbing the Cabot Tower: we were rewarded with stunning, panoramic views of the entire city, before an extended play on the local park's facilities. Then it was off to bed where everyone had another fantastic night's sleep! We were met with groans and requests to stay longer when the children were reminded, "This time tomorrow we will be on our way home." It's safe to say everyone is having a wonderful time and lifelong memories are being made.

    Day 3: The final, BUSY day in Bristol!

    There was Hamilton to watch at the theatre, a Franca Manco visit, an opportunity to view Banksy's artwork and experience the Bristol Museum, after the fun of packing our suitcases before breakfast!

    What a credit the children have been to BPS and to the parents! They have been a pleasure to take away.  Huge thank you to the team for making this possible!

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  • Quad Kids

    Published 14/06/24

    Year five had great fun at the Quadkids athletics event, coming second overall - great efforts and attitudes against year sixes!

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  • Magdalen Magic

    Published 05/06/24

    What an amazing time our year fives had at Magdalen Farm!  They spent two nights team building, getting to know the animals and learning about a working farm.  

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  • Year Four visit to Tamarisk Farm

    Published 05/06/24

    Year Four had a great time at Tamarisk Farm. They loved the lambs and eating plants/herbs that were grown there.  They also explained how the clay soil would not allow plants to grow! 

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  • Ambassadors at the Commonwealth Ceremony

    Published 11/03/24

    Our Year 6 School Councillors and RRS ambassadors did us proud at the Commonwealth Day ceremony this morning. They read their speech confidently and represented BPS impeccably.

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  • World Book Day

    Published 08/03/24

    What brilliant and creative costumes!



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  • Royal Navy Challenges

    Published 21/02/24

    Year 6 are learning how the Royal Navy provide humanitarian aid when there has been a natural disaster.


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  • Further Football Victory

    Published 07/02/24

    We are so proud of our Year 3/4 Futsal team who brought the trophy home yesterday, after the finals!  What brilliant representatives of our school!

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  • Number Day at BPS

    Published 02/02/24

    We’ve had a super Number Day at BPS! We have done lots of fun number activities in class and School Council have run some lunchtime maths games too- all to raise awareness of the valuable work of the NSPCC.

    NSPCC | The UK children's charity | NSPCC

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