We take safeguarding very seriously at Bridport Primary School and all staff undertake annual updated safeguarding training to ensure our adults are fully aware of any recent developments in safeguarding and ensure that our pupils remain safe. In addition, all staff have undertaken the PREVENT training that addresses concerns over radicalisation of children from groups or parents with extreme radical views.
We work closely with other agencies in this area, meeting regularly and reviewing our practice. There is a team of designated safeguarding leads (DSLs) in the school, who meet on a weekly basis to discuss concerns and undertake any actions.
Parents with concerns about safeguarding or the welfare and safety of any pupil should speak directly to: Michaela Kite (DSL) or Felicity Le Gassick (Deputy DSL) in the first instance. Contact should be made through the school office, via email or by calling 01308 422846.
During holiday time, you can use this address, which will be checked periodically:
You can also contact the Children’s Advice and Duty Service (CHAD) directly: 01305 228866
For advice on supporting children worried about terrorism please visit the NSPCC website
Other useful safeguarding videos can be found on the NSPCC website including, ‘I saw your willy’ and ‘Susan and the boy’ etc.
Our LSC representative for safeguarding is Mike Young. Our trustee is Patricia MacKenzie.
Initio Safeguarding Statement of Intent
Operation Encompass
The school has been given the opportunity to take part in a project that will run jointly between schools and Dorset Police.
Operation Encompass is the notification to schools when a child or young person has experienced any domestic abuse, this information will be shared with the schools.
Operation Encompass will ensure that senior safeguarding members of the school staff, (DSL/DDSLs) known as a Key Adults, are trained to allow them to receive information from the police and to use the information that has been shared, in confidence, while ensuring that the school is able to make provision for possible difficulties experienced by children, or their families, who have been involved in a domestic abuse incident.
For more information about Operation Encompass please click here to go to their website.
Online Safety
A Poster offering advice to parents over the holiday period.
Online Safety today is becoming more important in not just children’s but adult’s daily lives. Therefore, at Bridport Primary School we aim to not just educate the children, but the staff, parents and carers as well.
How can I introduce online safety education to under 11s?
It is never too early to learn about online safety as a family. The UK Safer Internet Centre’s Primary Zone can help you start a conversation with your child and introduce online safety education for children and young people aged 3-11. The UK Safer Internet Centre also have a very good blog page where you can catch up on the latest news and updates –
What is Zoom?
Similar to Microsoft Teams, Zoom is a service that allows you to virtually meet other people online through video or audio-only calls. You can join these calls via laptops, tablets and mobile phones. The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that ways of connecting online are more important than ever, with Zoom being an increasingly popular option for many young people. Click HERE to read this guide which takes you through the many features included as well as highlighting how to stay safe when using it.
Childnet Resources
With many families and young people spending more time online than ever before, Childnet are pleased to introduce their newest, free, video resources which families can use together over the coming weeks. The Education Team at Childnet have produced a series of six short interactive lessons. These 10-15 minute videos are designed to be picked up and used by families with any young person aged 6-9. Please read their informative blog about the new videos.
Parental Controls
Setting parental controls on any gadgets that your children have is really important, please click on the link to view some handy tips on how to set these up: How to set up Parental Controls.
As new apps and technological advances keep pushing forward, parents and carers can sometimes struggle to keep up. Young people and apps go together like bread and butter but the family members who surround them may not be as fully up to speed. Parental controls can offer piece of mind to those who want their family members to enjoy the wonders of apps whilst deciding on what they consider to be safe and available to their children. Many online platforms incorporate these to allow parents to have control. Here is a link to the SWGfL social media checklists page.
Cyberbullying Advice
Cyberbullying – Advice for Young Children, produced by Kidscape, is a great document detailing how to prevent cyberbullying by giving points to follow before hitting send. The cyber world is a real world with real consequences, so it is important to always think before you post.
Vodafone Digital Parenting Magazine
Vodafone has also published a series of very informative Digital Parenting Magazines – Click here to see the latest issue or visit their website to view all the magazines that they have published – Vodafone Digital Parenting Magazines.
Web Super Skills Cards
Vodafone and Moshi Monsters have teamed up and have created a series of six free ‘Web Super Skills’ cards. The cards feature tips for staying safe online, in the form of activities that the children can learn from and enjoy. If you would like to download them and help your child to stay safe online, please click here.
At O2, have created resources to help parents regularly discuss online safety with their children. This empowers families to confidently explore the digital world - Keeping Kids Safe Online