Year 2
Welcome to ALLINGTON

General information
Please make sure that all school uniform and PE kit is clearly labelled. We advise kits to be in school throughout the week as classes have PE on different days throughout the week. Please include joggers and a sweatshirt for outdoor PE.
Homework will be set each week from Autumn. This is:
- Reading
- Numberbots/ Timestable Rockstars
- Spelling practice
We may also set optional extras at different times that are topic related.
Please use the class email address if you are experiencing difficulties or need further information.
The most important thing is that your child reads regularly (and gets an adult to sign their reading record book).
Please let the school and the teacher know if your child has any allergies (that we do not already know about) or needs to take any medication.
Please remind your child to bring a coat every day in the winter months.
Please look at our Knowledge Organisers to find out what the children are learning!
Knowledge Organisers
Please click on the useful links below for extra information about Year 2